St Piers

News & Events

The latest from St Piers School & College


Surrey Hospital Employability Project

Since September 2013 Young Epilepsy have been working in partnership with Surrey EmployAbility. Six students were chosen to undertake two days per week work experience trying different job roles at East Surrey Hospital


Zimbabwean Visit

St Piers School had a visit from six teachers from St Georges College-Hartman House in Zimbabwe.


Trip to Dickens World

Key Stage 2 and 3 history curriculum has been about the Victorian era this term. To help bring this to life, some of our students went on a trip to Dickens World to see what it was actually like to be a child in the Victorian age.


Children in Need Literacy and Science Event 2013

On 15th November 2013 St Piers School took part in a Harry Potter themed Children In Need Event. The whole school was divided into four Hogwarts houses, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. After listening to each houses limericks (made up by the students), seeing the coat of arms (designed and painted by the students) and choosing a house leader (chosen by the students), we began our journey.


Intensive interaction parent workshop

We are pleased to let you know that we are holding an intensive interaction workshop on Friday 25 October, 10am - 12pm, specifically designed for parents and carers to connect with pre-verbal young people who have severe learning disabilities.


Intensive interaction parent workshop

We are pleased to let you know that we are holding an intensive interaction workshop on Friday 25 October, 10am - 12pm, specifically designed for parents and carers to connect with pre-verbal children who have severe learning disabilities.


Macmillan Coffee Morning

Prior to Friday 27 September, many kind class groups and generous individuals baked and decorated some delicious cakes to sell at the St Pier’s School Macmillan coffee morning.