At St Piers our students access a range of independence and life skills to prepare them for adulthood and the challenges of life beyond the school gates. Our students have the use of our life skills learning facility, The Link, a repurposed residential home where they can develop their daily living and home management skills such as cooking, cleaning, making their beds and washing their laundry. The Link, provides a real life environment where they can learn with support and guidance from our staff in a familiar environment that acts as a stepping stone to Further Education Colleges or life long provisions.
The Link has a kitchen and dining room, bedroom, bathrooms, laundry room and multi-Sensory room.
Additionally, our students are developing the part of the Link to house a shop where they can experience enterprise and vocational skills.

Our students have regular opportunities to practice, develop and apply their skills in everyday contexts, on off-site trips into the local community to café’s, shops, leisure centres, parks and other community facilities in addition to undertaking work experience placements and travel training.