My Creativity

We believe that Creative Arts is an essential tool for learning about us, those around us and how we fit into this world. 

It therefore deserves its rightful place as a discrete subject on any school curriculum, but at St Piers’ we also value Creative Arts  as a tool to unlock and allow our students access to the rest of the wide-ranging curriculum on provided. 

The skills of collaboration, negotiation and communication that Creative Arts fosters are fundamental to the growth and wellbeing of our students. 

One topic each year has a Creative Arts focus; It is taught as a discrete lesson. Drama and music are used as tools for learning and are also embedded throughout all curriculum areas including Science, Communication and Literacy and Numeracy especially as part of lesson introductions. 

Drama in KS4 and Post- 16 is not a statutory requirement and is largely used for pleasure. They do, however, cover aspects of both Drama and Music through some EQUALS modules and in lessons like RE and Literacy-Sensory stories. 

Visiting performers including from local schools and live performances eg Pantomimes, further enrich the curriculum. The school has also worked with a range of performance projects in the past, which include the very popular Christmas show!

At St Piers there are two Drama and Music specialists who deliver these subjects both collaboratively and in separate sessions. Creative Arts is taught in a range of classes and in addition some 1:1 teaching sessions are delivered. 

Both classrooms and Creative Arts room are used as well as in interactive set that is built in our studio each term.