St Piers College Outstanding Ofsted Result

College Ofsted report

St. Piers School and College is part of Young Epilepsy. Young Epilepsy is the operating name of The National Centre for Young People with Epilepsy Charitable Trust - Registered Charity number 311877 (England and Wales).

Please find link below to our most recent Ofsted and CQC reports:

Ofsted stands for the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills and is a government-run organisation who are responsible for conducting inspections and assessments of schools, colleges and residential care across the UK and publishing the results.

St Piers College Ofsted report - Outstanding

Date of inspection 27 November 2023

Rating Outstanding

St Piers College Ofsted report

Date of inspection 28 November 2017

Rating Good 

CQC stands for the Care Quality Commission, who are the independent regulator of health and social care in England. Their role is to register care providers, monitor, inspect and rate services and take action to protect people who use services.

St Piers Residential College CQC report 

Last full inspection

Date of inspection 20 February 2018

Rating Good

St Piers Residential College CQC report

Last ad hoc inspection

Date 27 January 2021

Rating n/a

College curriculum

Our aim is to ensure each young person at St Piers College believes in themselves and is empowered to succeed.